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Monday, October 21, 2019

Content is Key!

Recently, I was discussing best practices for content creation, for both online and offline marketing practices.  I thought I’d share a few of my best practice tips:
1.        Do not sell anything. The purpose of content marketing should be to produce great content to get your customers to take action.  Be so unique that your customers feel compelled to take action.
2.       Deliver value. Always.
3.       Personalize content.  Make each customer feel like an individual who is receiving personalized attention.
4.       Leverage your key distribution channels. Place your content in relatable, relevant places. This is where your audience is likely to take notice.
5.       Continually optimize your strategy and try new tactics.
6.       Experiment with different types of content formats.  Change it up—use text, visuals, video, gifs, etc. to be creative and exciting.